
A global pharmaceutical company was seeking to improve efficiencies across the QC laboratories at one of its UK manufacturing sites. An increased workload, peaks and troughs in resourcing needs, a lack of flexibility and a significant burden on client time to hire, train and retain a large contingent workforce all contributed to the onsite challenges.


Synergy first gained a detailed understanding of the current laboratory set up by performing a thorough gap analysis against current and future skill set requirements, in line with the client’s goals and long-term vision.

Findings from the GAP analysis enabled the team from Synergy Scientific Solutions to create a project plan with the main goal of introducing a functional service provision (FSP) model rather than contingent workers. Through this model, Synergy’s flexible lab services would support testing across all laboratories with clear contract deliverables and governance.

Synergy worked diligently through a TUPE process to transfer existing contingent workers with the right skill sets and the desire to develop their roles into positions with permanent employment contracts. In parallel, Synergy delivered a recruitment campaign utilising SRG’s expertise and over 30 years of experience to identify the right individuals for critical roles to fit the new structure. This included an experienced on-site team leader who would take on management responsibility on behalf of the client team, whilst always providing the client with visibility and control.

The second phase of the project involved the identification of cross training and development opportunities to provide more flexibility and agility into the laboratories, and to address fluctuating resourcing requirements.


By creating an FSP model, a number of key benefits were immediately observed: Reduced complexity through one single supplier

  • Improved retention of staff; employees benefitting from permanent employment contracts, an enhanced reward package as well as specific development plans/cross training opportunities.
  • Better efficiency by having cross trained individuals who were able to support across multiple laboratories, ironing out peaks and troughs in resourcing demands.
  • Significant time saving for the client teams as all Synergy team members fully employed and managed by Synergy.

Looking for a scientific services partner?

The team from Synergy Scientific Management Solutions work with laboratories across the world, equipping laboratories with expert talent that catalyse laboratory success, from within. 

At Synergy, we help laboratories embrace adaptability with flexible teams who we source, manage and develop ourselves.

Interested in hearing more?

You can talk to our friendly team about your resourcing requirements at: